Step-by-step: adding multi choice options to chatbot conversation

1. Log in to your Lead Chatbot control panel

2. On the top menu bar click on "Tools & Settings"

3. Select "Chatbot Flows & Scripts".

4. Scroll down to find the conversation Flow where you want to add your Multi choice options.

5. Press the blue “Edit” button next to that flow

7. Press the “+ Add Step” button where you want to insert the new Step

8. A pop up appears. Press the “Multi Choice Options” button.

9. Press the “Edit Multi Choice” button, right to the new gray block that appears.

10. Add the Multi Choice options you wish to give to your visitor. The chatbot will wait till it gets a visitor's choice.

11. You may add more options by clicking on "+" to insert a new option line.

12. Option to apply Logical Jumps: Using Logical Jumps you may redirect the conversation if the visitor clicks on this option. You may redirect to another step in this flow or to another flow altogether.

13. Option to Keep 'Multi Choice' Response: The choice of the visitor is stored in a variable. For instance you may keep it in a variable called {{firstchoice}}. This variable can be used later inside the chatbot conversation and/or integrations.

14. Click "Update". That's it your Multi Choice Options have been added into the Chatbot's conversation flow

